Articles by Maree Gardner

Remote Working Tip #15

The single biggest mistake we make when trying to gather — whether physically or virtually — is assuming we already know its purpose. Even in our physically-together-normal-circumstances-gatherings, we tend to assume the purpose is obvious. In these COVID-19 times, as...

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Remote Working Tip #14

Good Stress Stressful situations can actually push us to achieve amazing things; take time to reflect on what you have achieved while feeling stressed. When chatting (Skyping; Teaming; or Zooming) with your teams, ask each person what they have achieved.

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Remote Working Tip #13

Learning Cultures are often differentiators for organisations; people make decisions to join / stay if they know you will invest in their skills and capability. Investing in your people does not need to slow down or worse still, cease, because of remote working; you...

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Remote Working Tip #12

Remote Working Tip No 12 [RWT#12] Routines allow you to create structure and predictability in your life. They allow you to feel safe. Without routines, there would be too much uncertainty in life and everyday functioning would slow down. Control what you can control....

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