Building & Transforming your Team for Maximum Productivity

5 Dysfunctions of Team

I love to use Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team model with my clients. Why? It is simple and makes more sense than most models put together! The second dysfunction focuses on conflict, or more accurately the absence of conflict. I’ve heard dozens of times...

Navigating Healthy vs. Unhealthy Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict is an inevitable part of any team environment. When managed well, it can drive growth, innovation, and collaboration. Alternatively, when handled poorly or left unresolved, conflict can spiral into a destructive force that undermines trust and productivity....

Let Go!

I am reminded of the lyrics sung by Brian Cadd – “let go, it ain’t worth it if it hurts you.” I grew up listening to my parent’s music and this one has stood the test of time (in my humble opinion). I reference it because of its relevance to our way of working and our...

5 Dysfunctions of Team

I love to use Patrick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team model with my clients. Why? It is simple and makes more sense than most models put together! The second dysfunction focuses on conflict, or more accurately the absence of conflict. I’ve heard dozens of times...

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Let Go!

Let Go!

I am reminded of the lyrics sung by Brian Cadd – “let go, it ain’t worth it if it hurts you.” I grew up listening to my parent’s music and this one has stood the test of time (in my humble opinion). I reference it because of its relevance to our way of working and our...

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The Resilience Project

The Resilience Project

In late 2022 I downloaded and listened to The Resilience Project; since then, I have bought hard copies for friends and families, and I have referred many others to Audible, including my Uber driver from this morning who drove me to the airport. On our travels, we...

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